import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:dartz/dartz.dart'; import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart'; import 'package:shared_preferences/shared_preferences.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Classes/ShlinkStats/shlink_stats.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Classes/ShortURL/RedirectRule/redirect_rule.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Classes/ShortURL/short_url.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Classes/ShortURLSubmission/short_url_submission.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Classes/Tag/tag_with_stats.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/connect.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/get_recent_short_urls.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/get_redirect_rules.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/get_server_health.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/get_shlink_stats.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/get_short_urls.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/get_tags_with_stats.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/set_redirect_rules.dart'; import 'package:shlink_app/API/Methods/update_short_url.dart'; import 'Methods/delete_short_url.dart'; import 'Methods/submit_short_url.dart'; class ServerManager { /// The URL of the Shlink server String? serverUrl; /// The API key to access the server String? apiKey; /// Current Shlink API Version used by the app static String apiVersion = "3"; String getServerUrl() { return serverUrl ?? ""; } String getApiVersion() { return apiVersion; } /// Checks whether the user provided information about the server /// (url and apikey) Future checkLogin() async { await _loadCredentials(); return (serverUrl != null); } /// Logs out the user and removes data about the Shlink server Future logOut(String url) async { const storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); String? serverMapSerialized = await "server_map"); if (serverMapSerialized != null) { Map serverMap = Map.castFrom(jsonDecode(serverMapSerialized)); serverMap.remove(url); if (serverMap.isEmpty) { storage.delete(key: "server_map"); } else { storage.write(key: "server_map", value: jsonEncode(serverMap)); } if (serverUrl == url) { serverUrl = null; apiKey = null; prefs.remove("lastusedserver"); } } } /// Returns all servers saved in the app Future> getAvailableServers() async { const storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); String? serverMapSerialized = await "server_map"); if (serverMapSerialized != null) { Map serverMap = Map.castFrom(jsonDecode(serverMapSerialized)); return serverMap.keys.toList(); } else { return []; } } /// Loads the server credentials from [FlutterSecureStorage] Future _loadCredentials() async { const storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); if (prefs.getBool('first_run') ?? true) { await storage.deleteAll(); prefs.setBool('first_run', false); } else { if (await _replaceDeprecatedStorageMethod()) { _loadCredentials(); return; } String? serverMapSerialized = await "server_map"); String? lastUsedServer = prefs.getString("lastusedserver"); if (serverMapSerialized != null) { Map serverMap = Map.castFrom(jsonDecode(serverMapSerialized)); if (lastUsedServer != null) { serverUrl = lastUsedServer; apiKey = serverMap[lastUsedServer]!; } else { List availableServers = serverMap.keys.toList(); if (availableServers.isNotEmpty) { serverUrl = availableServers.first; apiKey = serverMap[serverUrl]; prefs.setString("lastusedserver", serverUrl!); } } } } } Future _replaceDeprecatedStorageMethod() async { const storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); // deprecated data storage method, replaced because of multi-server support var v1DataServerurl = await "shlink_url"); var v1DataApikey = await "shlink_apikey"); if (v1DataServerurl != null && v1DataApikey != null) { // conversion to new data storage method Map serverMap = {}; serverMap[v1DataServerurl] = v1DataApikey; storage.write(key: "server_map", value: jsonEncode(serverMap)); storage.delete(key: "shlink_url"); storage.delete(key: "shlink_apikey"); return true; } else { return false; } } /// Saves the provided server credentials to [FlutterSecureStorage] void _saveCredentials(String url, String apiKey) async { const storage = FlutterSecureStorage(); final prefs = await SharedPreferences.getInstance(); String? serverMapSerialized = await "server_map"); Map serverMap; if (serverMapSerialized != null) { serverMap = Map.castFrom(jsonDecode(serverMapSerialized)); } else { serverMap = {}; } serverMap[url] = apiKey; storage.write(key: "server_map", value: jsonEncode(serverMap)); prefs.setString("lastusedserver", url); } /// Saves provided server credentials and tries to establish a connection FutureOr> initAndConnect( String url, String apiKey) async { // TODO: convert url to correct format serverUrl = url; this.apiKey = apiKey; _saveCredentials(url, apiKey); final result = await connect(); result.fold((l) => null, (r) { logOut(url); }); return result; } /// Establishes a connection to the server FutureOr> connect() async { _loadCredentials(); return apiConnect(apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Gets all short URLs from the server FutureOr, Failure>> getShortUrls() async { return apiGetShortUrls(apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Gets all tags from the server FutureOr, Failure>> getTags() async { return apiGetTagsWithStats(apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Gets statistics about the Shlink instance FutureOr> getShlinkStats() async { return apiGetShlinkStats(apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Saves a new short URL to the server FutureOr> submitShortUrl( ShortURLSubmission shortUrl) async { return apiSubmitShortUrl(shortUrl, apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } FutureOr> updateShortUrl( ShortURLSubmission shortUrl) async { return apiUpdateShortUrl(shortUrl, apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Deletes a short URL from the server, identified by its slug FutureOr> deleteShortUrl(String shortCode) async { return apiDeleteShortUrl(shortCode, apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Gets health data about the server FutureOr> getServerHealth() async { return apiGetServerHealth(apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Gets recently created/used short URLs from the server FutureOr, Failure>> getRecentShortUrls() async { return apiGetRecentShortUrls(apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Gets redirect rules for a given short URL (code) FutureOr, Failure>> getRedirectRules( String shortCode) async { return apiGetRedirectRules(shortCode, apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } /// Sets redirect rules for a given short URL (code) FutureOr> setRedirectRules( String shortCode, List redirectRules) async { return apiSetRedirectRules( shortCode, redirectRules, apiKey, serverUrl, apiVersion); } } /// Server response data type about a page of short URLs from the server class ShortURLPageResponse { List urls; int totalPages; ShortURLPageResponse(this.urls, this.totalPages); } /// Server response data type about a page of tags from the server class TagsWithStatsPageResponse { List tags; int totalPages; TagsWithStatsPageResponse(this.tags, this.totalPages); } /// Server response data type about the health status of the server class ServerHealthResponse { String status; String version; ServerHealthResponse({required this.status, required this.version}); } /// Failure class, used for the API abstract class Failure {} /// Used when a request to a server fails /// (due to networking issues or an unexpected response) class RequestFailure extends Failure { int statusCode; String description; RequestFailure(this.statusCode, this.description); } /// Contains information about an error returned by the Shlink API class ApiFailure extends Failure { String type; String detail; String title; int status; List? invalidElements; ApiFailure( {required this.type, required this.detail, required this.title, required this.status, this.invalidElements}); }