import {dmxnet, receiver, sender} from "dmxnet"; import {DetectedInterface, DMXInterface, getConnectedInterfaces} from "./usbdmx"; import {clearInterval} from "timers"; /** * Responsible for converting incoming Art-Net data to an USBDMX output */ export default class ConvertHandler { dmxnetManager: dmxnet; artNetReceiver: receiver; artNetSender: sender; recentDMXArray: number[] = Array(512).fill(0); availableInterfaces: DetectedInterface[] = []; dmxInterface: DMXInterface | undefined; outputAllowed = false; dataPerSecTimer: NodeJS.Timeout; private artnetInCounter = 0; private artnetOutCounter = 0; private usbdmxInCounter = 0; private usbdmxOutCounter = 0; artnetInCountHistory: number[] = []; artnetOutCountHistory: number[] = []; usbdmxInCountHistory: number[] = []; usbdmxOutCountHistory: number[] = []; /** * Starts up the Art-Net receiver */ startArtNetReceiver = () => { this.dmxnetManager = new dmxnet({ log: {level: "error"}, sName: "usbdmx", lName: "ArtNet-USBDMX-Converter", }); this.artNetReceiver = this.dmxnetManager.newReceiver(); this.artNetSender = this.dmxnetManager.newSender({ ip: "", //IP to send to, default subnet: 0, //Destination subnet, default 0 universe: 0, //Destination universe, default 0 net: 0, //Destination net, default 0 port: 6454, //Destination UDP Port, default 6454 base_refresh_interval: 1000 // Default interval for sending unchanged ArtDmx }); this.artNetReceiver.on("data", this.handleIncomingArtNetData); } /** * Handles incoming Art-Net dara and writes it to the DMX interface. * @param data Art-Net data */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any handleIncomingArtNetData = (data: any) => { this.artnetInCounter++; if (JSON.stringify(data) != JSON.stringify(this.recentDMXArray)) { if (this.dmxInterface && this.outputAllowed) { this.usbdmxOutCounter++; this.dmxInterface.writeMap(data); } this.recentDMXArray = data; } } /** * Handles incoming data from the interface and sends it out via Art-Net. * @param startChannel first channel number of the data array * @param data Array with dmx values */ sendIncomingUSBDMXData = (startChannel: number, data: number[]) => { this.usbdmxInCounter++; if (this.outputAllowed) { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { this.artNetSender.prepChannel(startChannel + i, data[i]); } this.artnetOutCounter++; this.artNetSender.transmit(); } } /** * Gets available DMX interfaces connected to the computer */ scanForInterfaces = (): DetectedInterface[] => { this.availableInterfaces = getConnectedInterfaces(); return this.availableInterfaces; } /** * Tries to open the connection to a DMX interface * @param serial Serial number of the interface * @param mode Operating mode * @param manufacturer Interface manufacturer ID * @param product Interface product ID * @returns an empty string if the connection was successful or the error message */ openInterface = async (serial: string, mode: string, manufacturer: string | undefined = undefined, product: string | undefined = undefined): Promise => { if (isNaN(parseInt(mode))) return "Invalid mode"; const interfaceIndex = this.availableInterfaces.findIndex((e) => e.serial == serial); if (interfaceIndex === -1) return "Interface not found, please scan again"; const interfacePath = this.availableInterfaces[interfaceIndex].path; try { this.dmxInterface = await, serial, manufacturer, product); this.dmxInterface.usbdmxInputCallback = this.sendIncomingUSBDMXData; return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout( () => { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment // @ts-expect-error const response = this.dmxInterface.setMode(parseInt(mode)); this.outputAllowed = true; this.dataPerSecTimer = setInterval(this.parseRequestTimer, 1000); resolve(response === 0 ? "" : `Error Code ${response}`); }, 1000); }) } catch(err) { console.log(err); return (err as Error).message; } } /** * Closes the connection to a DMX interface */ closeInterface = () => { if (this.dmxInterface) { this.dmxInterface.close(); this.outputAllowed = false; clearInterval(this.dataPerSecTimer); this.dmxInterface = undefined; } } /** * Processes incoming and sent data history for visualization */ parseRequestTimer = () => { this.artnetInCountHistory.push(this.artnetInCounter); if (this.artnetInCountHistory.length > 20) { this.artnetInCountHistory = this.artnetInCountHistory.slice(1) } this.artnetOutCountHistory.push(this.artnetOutCounter); if (this.artnetOutCountHistory.length > 20) { this.artnetOutCountHistory = this.artnetOutCountHistory.slice(1) } this.usbdmxInCountHistory.push(this.usbdmxInCounter); if (this.usbdmxInCountHistory.length > 20) { this.usbdmxInCountHistory = this.usbdmxInCountHistory.slice(1) } this.usbdmxOutCountHistory.push(this.usbdmxOutCounter); if (this.usbdmxOutCountHistory.length > 20) { this.usbdmxOutCountHistory = this.usbdmxOutCountHistory.slice(1) } this.artnetInCounter = 0; this.artnetOutCounter = 0; this.usbdmxInCounter = 0; this.usbdmxOutCounter = 0; } }